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By Kybor | Jul 15 2024 | Chelem Real Estate

Challenges of Buying a Home in Chelem

Chelem, Mexico

Let's talk about some of the challenges one could face when buying in Chelem, MX:

Overall, we highly recommend living in Chelem and for the most part, the purchase is seamless when using a qualified, Spanish speaking agent. Sometimes, one may encounter these issues, which is all the more important to have proper Real Estate and Legal representation.

Hi, my name is Kybor with TrustFirst and today we're going to evaluate what challenges one might encounter when buying Chelem Mexico Real Estate.

Don't be fooled by "Cerveza agents" pretending to know the local laws and Spanish, looking for an easy commission.
Work with a seasoned Yucatan Real Estate Professional.


We would like to preface this article by suggesting that anyone that has not yet been to Chelem visit, before considering a purchase. It's worthwhile renting here for in winter and summer, to see if you could get used to the heat and slower pace of life, long-term, not just for a quick vacation. While Chelem is a wonderful place, it isn't for everyone.

Land Trust - Fideicomiso

Mexican Law says that a foreigner cannot buy property within 100KM of the coast. In order to get past this law, Canadians, Americans and other foreigners have a lawyer create a 100yr land trust under their name called a Fideicomiso. Note that while while Chelem Beach is obviously within 100km of the coast, so is Merida.

Image of a land trust deed in Chelem Mexico

While there is nothing particulayl difficult about getting your real estate lawyer to create this Fideicomiso (land trust), it does take time. At the time of writting of July 15 2024, it takes between 1 and 3 months for the banks to process and approve a Fideicomiso.


While this may be fine for the buyer, these 3 months can sometimes cause issues with the seller. Sellers not having previously sold to a foreigner are sometimes skeptical about this. Even a seller that at first seems ok with the wait time, may sometimes get impatient or take unsound advice from a friend and decide that this is some type of scam.

This is another reason for it being ideal to have Real Estate Agents representing both parties, so that they can confirm, without conflict of interest, that the land trust wait-time is normal.

Dual Economy of Chelem and the Yucatan

Amongst all the wonderful things one gains by moving to Chelem Yucatan, is the fact that your dollar goes further. Unfortunately, being a foreigner can sometimes work against you when making any kind of purchase here, and a home purchase is no exception.

A graphical representation of the dual economy in chelem mexico real estate

Whether buying a home in Chelem or hiring a plumber, it is not uncommon for a local to quote you a different price than he or she might quote a local. This is the dual economy we're referring to.


The negative impact on Chelem Real Estate is that you can go through the process of drafting an offer on a property with both parties being on the same page about almost everything, but when the seller learns that the buyer is foreign, through the Fideicomiso (land-trust) conversation, they may change their selling price.


In June 2024, while representing a buyer, looking to buy a 33,000 sq.ft. parcel of land for 1 million pesos, we ran into this very issue. After a month of chasing the seller for proper documentation on the property and establishing a transaction method, as they were unbanked, they decided to increase the price by 20%, bringing the sale price to 1,200,000 pesos just because the buyers were foreign. They didn't even try to obscure their reasoning behind it.


This of course made the buyer angry, blew the deal and left the seller's real estate agent a little embarrassed that their client wasn't trust-worthy. But this is what can sometimes* happen in the Yucatan.

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Negotiations in The Yucatan

When negotiating the purchase or sale of property, in Chelem, things can sometimes get illogical and very emotional when dealing with locals.

This is a picture of a real estate agent in negotiations in Chelem real estate

Coat-tailing on the last story, told in the "Dual Economy of Chelem and the Yucatan", we'll talk about how the deal fell apart.


The foreign buyer, being asked to pay an additional 20% for no reason, refused, of course and let the sellers know, through the agents, that they were not willing to pay the extra. This buyer had been living in the Yucatan more than 8 years and was fully fluent, considering himself a part of the local culture.


It was explained to the sellers that the increase would not happen. So they could close the sale today, at the original asking price in full, or they could wait an additional 6 to 18 months (Real Estate slump) for another buyer to come along and pay no more than the original 1 million peso asking price.


Of course, anyone understanding the time value of money knows that 1 million today is worth more than 1 million tomorrow. And unless one is insulted by a buyer or just doesn't like them, the logical thing to do would be to sell today at full asking price.


Unfortunately, the sellers did not agree with this logic and the deal fell through. This kind of thing is not uncommon in the Yucatan and can happen with both educated and uneducated Yucatecan sellers alike.

Unbanked Sellers of Chelem

You've most-likely heard of the term de-banked, especially if you've kept up with the Canadian Protests that occurred during COVID-19. To be de-banked however, you had to originally have a bank account to begin with.

Picture of an unbanked man in Chelem Yucatan real estate

When buying a home in Chelem, Yucatan, you can ocasionally encounter a seller than is unbanked. Meaning that they've never had a bank account. In these scenarios, the seller may sometimes ask for a cash deal. While this used to be common, it's becoming less so due to the Anti-Money-Laundering law (Ley Anti-lavado). The law says that no more than 830,000 pesos cash can be exchanged in a real estate transaction. The rest must be through a cheque or bank transfer (wire or e-transfer).


This must be explained to the seller if the property is worth more than 830,000 pesos, which most are. This can often cause some hesitation, as an adult that is selling property and never opened a bank account in all their years is not likely to do so now.


Such was the case in the aforementioned deal for 33,000 sf. Although this hurdle was overcome, the deal was not able to go through due to a lack of integrity on the their part.


In conclusion, we're of the opinion that Chelem has everything you would need as Home-Buyer leaving their home country and not wanting to compromise too much on the luxuries and habits that we've developed up north. And while there may be some hiccups during the purchase, a good Real Estate Agent can make sure you have the highest chance of success possible, while keeping you safe from scammers and people of lesser integrity.

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Article By

Kybor | 📚

Kybor is a an experienced Merida Real Estate Agent and seasoned entrepreneur in both the transportation and construction sectors with an aptitude for languages. Having spent 6 years of his youth in the Yucatan, he is adept at conversing and communicating with local without them knowing he is not of latino heritage.


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