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By Kybor | Jul 16 2024 | Chelem Yucatan Real Estate

Why People Are Leaving Chelem Mexico

Chelem, Mexico

Every once in a while we see people asking, on facebook, why people leave Chelem:

Overall, we highly recommend buying real estate in Chelem Yucatan, but it's important to know what you're buying. We highly recommend renting in Chelem both in the winter and the summer before buying.

Hi, my name is Kybor with TrustFirst and today we'll talk about why people leave Chelem and sell their Chelem Mexico Real Estate.

Don't be fooled by "Cerveza agents" pretending to know the local laws and Spanish, looking for an easy commission.
Work with a seasoned Yucatan Real Estate Professional.


We would like to preface this article by suggesting that anyone that has not yet been to Chelem visit, before considering a purchase. It's worthwhile renting here for in winter and summer, to see if you could get used to the heat and slower pace of life, long-term, not just for a quick vacation. While Chelem is a wonderful place, it isn't for everyone.

Dual Economy

Amongst all the wonderful things one gains by moving to Chelem Yucatan, is the fact that your dollar goes further. Unfortunately, being a foreigner can sometimes work against you when making any kind of purchase here, and a home purchase is no exception.

A graphical representation of the dual economy in chelem mexico real estate

Whether buying a home in Chelem or hiring a plumber, it is not uncommon for a local to quote you a different price than he or she might quote a local. This is the dual economy we're referring to.


The negative impact on Chelem Real Estate is that you can go through the process of drafting an offer on a property with both parties being on the same page about almost everything, but when the seller learns that the buyer is foreign, through the Fideicomiso (land-trust) conversation, they may change their selling price.


In June 2024, while representing a buyer, looking to buy a 33,000 sq.ft. parcel of land for 1 million pesos, we ran into this very issue. After a month of chasing the seller for proper documentation on the property and establishing a transaction method, as they were unbanked, they decided to increase the price by 20%, bringing the sale price to 1,200,000 pesos just because the buyers were foreign. They didn't even try to obscure their reasoning behind it.


This of course made the buyer angry, blew the deal and left the seller's real estate agent a little embarrassed that their client wasn't trust-worthy. But this is what can sometimes* happen in the Yucatan.

The Heat in Chelem Yucatan

The Yucatan is hot... very hot. The advantage that Chelem and other coastal towns have is the ocean breeze. It truly makes all the difference. Especially come summer time.

Graph of the Heat in Chelem Yucatan - TrustFirst Real Estate

According to WeatherSpark, the hot season in Chelem Yucatan is from Apr 24 to Oct 5, with a daily average high of 31C and a low of 25C. According to WeatherSpark, August's average high is 33C.


IMPORTANT: Everyone you know is likely to disagree with these numbers, including us. Add an average of 7 degrees Celsius to all these values to get the true temperatures. Even your car's thermometer will confirm this.


Being under the mid-day's sun in these temperatures is not pleasant. While siestas don't really seem to be a thing here anymore, you do come to realize that Yucatecan cities come to life at night. There are many times more people out and about after dark than during the day.


Some folks that are intolerant to the local heat are victims to not having rented a home in Chelem in the summer before buying and decide to stick it out for several years. Others didn't initially mind it that much but it started to affect them as they age. Then there are others still, that develop health conditions that drastically reduce the amount of time they can withstand the heat. Never-mind withstanding the electric bills if you have to run the AC in all rooms, year-round.

Healthcare in Chelem and Merida

Ughhh, nobody wants to believe that there health could take a medical swan dive in the near future, but this is occasionally the case, whether we're living in Chelem Yucatan or anywhere north... it just happens.

This is a Map of different Chelem Yucatan HealthCare options ranging from Hospital to Physio

Depending on who you talk to, many would say that Healthcare is quite good in the Yucatan. We'll focus on Merida Hospitals as this is where you would get transferred for any severe brain or heart surgery. Assumming one has some savings, paying out of pocket is not out of the question in Chelem, unlike the US.


One could be looking at USD$2000 to $4000 for a mild operation and hospitalization here, depending on where you go and the procedure. Compared to the US or private clinics in Canada, this is very affordable. But if these visits become frequent, it sometimes starts to be more expensive than a health care plan. Not to mention the potential discomfort of making medical decisions based off a doctor who's first language isn't english.


We want to be clear that we're not trash-talking the local doctors, not at all. As a matter of fact, many people come down here for medical tourism and have all kinds of procedures done, especially dental. But as one ages, sometimes we want to have family around to help us make decisions. And that is one of the reasons that many people choose to move back to Canada or the US, is to make medical issues easier and be around those we love.

Vacation Vs Life in Chelem

This is something that we find affects the younger expats more than the "wiser" ones. We know the feeling of visiting a place, even for a month and thinking we'd like to live there, since it's a nice break from our usual daily lives.

Picture of the beach and a man sitting under his Air conditioner in Chelem Yucatan

What can catch some people off guard is that they either didn't know how much quieter Chelem and Chuburna get during the summer months when a lot of the snow-birds are back in their home countries. It's by no means a ghost town. All the Meridano's that have summer homes commute during the summer, but the amount of relatable people that are around during the winter is drastically reduced.


Some make the self discovery that while the quiet and serenity of Chelem soothes their soul, they don't want soothing 12 months a year. Vacations are nice because they interrupt the busy lives we lead back home. But at the same time, vacationing 12 months a year is not ideal either. In order to have purpose and and take breaks when needed, we need balance. This is something that some learn through buying a house here and realizing that they're not ready for this slow a pace.


In conclusion, we're of the opinion that Chelem has everything you would need as Home-Buyer leaving their home country and not wanting to compromise too much on the luxuries and habits that we've developed up north. But as any good Real Estate Agent would recommend: Rent in Chelem during both seasons in order to have the highest chance of success.

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Article By

Kybor | 📚

Kybor is a an experienced Merida Real Estate Agent and seasoned entrepreneur in both the transportation and construction sectors with an aptitude for languages. Having spent 6 years of his youth in the Yucatan, he is adept at conversing and communicating with local without them knowing he is not of latino heritage.


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